Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 WAS off to a good start.......

until the aliens that attacked OS came to Alaska and got me!

The temps here have been unseasonably warm: 40*F. That means that what snow we had melted, then froze as slick, nasty, treacherous ice. I haven't cleaned the horse pen because poop creates traction. I threw sand all over the pathways from the barns to the pens. I missed one spot behind the barn and that's where those aliens pulled my feet out from under me and I smacked the ice really hard with my right knee and shoulder. I laid there for 5 minutes trying not to pass out or throw up. It's been 10 years since I fell on the ice and 4 since I've come off my horse. I have been very lucky.

Once I got to my feet, I hobbled into the house and Briar brought ice for my knee. Soon it was so swollen that I couldn't bend it. Straighten yes, bear weight yes but bend? No way. Ibuprofen and ice helped.

This morning it is still extremely swollen but I am able to gimp around. It is exactly 5 weeks before my ewes start lambing so I have 10 ewes to inject with BoSe. Briar will help hold but I have to do the injections.

I was supposed to ride today, snowshoe on Saturday and ride again on Sunday. Guess I better just cowgirl up.


  1. I'm sorry! At least they didn't probe you too, like they did me!

  2. Oh girl, I hope you feel better soon! Maybe you should take the week OFF and be ready for lambing. This sounds like an injury that's going to take a bit for it to get better.
    I haven't slipped on the ice in years, but I've never forgotten how dang bad it hurts. Big hugs to you!

  3. You poor thing. I gotta agree with Mikey - don't overdo it if the ewes are depending on you alone. :(

  4. Yikes! So sorry for the ice mishap...hope you feel better soon. Hope you can take the time that your body needs to heal and recover so that it's only a temporary ordeal. My hubby has a bad knee. Good luck with the lambing...sounds fun! What part of Alaska do you live in? I have a friend who lives in Hyder and has a little seafood restaurant and they also sell fish, shrimp and crab that her hubby catches. I've never been to Alaska, but I guess it's a pretty big state huh? Take care of yourself...I've enjoyed reading your blog!

  5. Are you feeling any better? Or did the aliens bash your head on the ice and you forgot to tell us? Or, did robots get to you and now you're in the hospital?

    Do you need one of my band aids made with the magical healing power of unicorn tears?

  6. finally got here to your blog and fingd you are hurt! ouch feel better soon

  7. Girl you better take care of yourself!

  8. Hope you are recuperating well. This ost was almost a week ago and I'd hate to think you are down for the count.
