Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again!

Whew!! The Alaska State Fair is finally over. While it was not without it's share of drama and awful weather this year's fair was worth attending. I took my 4 month old lambs for the open shows and the 4-H shows. Pepper (the ram) took first in his class, Rigby (the ewe) took first in her classes, Floyd (the wether) took first in his open class and Best in Division. The three lambs were also shown in Get of Sire and received first place. I got second in sheep showmanship.

In the 4-H shows Floyd and Briar took 4th in the market class. Briar was second in sheep showmanship. She also showed the 2 wethers and a ewe in the get of Sire class and won first. She was allowed to show Pepper in 4-H because he is under 6 months. He took first in his class as did Rigby in the ewe lamb class.
This is the Get of Sire entry. Floyd is on the left, Wolly is in the middle and Supreme is on the right. They are all the same age but Wolly's dam and Supreme's dam are crossbred Suffolks and much taller than the registered Suffolks I have.

In the market lamb class Wolly was Reserve and Supreme was Grand. The young man showing Supreme chose to market his turkey instead of the ewe lamb. She's coming over to be bred this month.

Now that the Fair is finally over I can get back to "normal" life. I haven't ridden since the middle of August but have a ride planned this weekend if the weather cooperates. We had no summer to speak of this year and I'm afraid that we will go directly to winter. The days are much shorter and I'm putting on a heavier jacket to do chores in the morning. No ice in the stock tanks yet.

Hopefully I will be back to posting more often. Thanks to everyone who checked in while I was gone.


  1. I was wondering if you were ever going to come back! Congrats on all the wins!

  2. Good work at the fair! The lambs look great. Do they have collars on? I would think they'd escape :o

  3. Funder - no collars just good training. My daughter's lamb almost got away in the auction ring but she was as determined not to let go as he was to get away. She won.

    OS - It's been crazy around here and I just didn't make the time to post.
